damn, sell in this dress…

Words are funny things aren’t they?

Different languages with different characters, different meanings and different intonations.

A smidge of this language, a dash of that one, maybe a pinch of slang?

W  o  r  d  s  .

Even the space in-between words is interesting, how it breaks up a sentence; flowing to another, giving pause and stopping.  Continuing to exclaim!  Maybe even we should question them?

Q    u    e    s    t    i    o    n    .

Don’t for a second think that I think that I know words.  I don’t.  I just use them, like you and you, y  o  u and y  o  u, y    o   u and y    o    u…

“Damn, sell in this dress.”


We pay inordinate amounts of money to make our lives easier.  Why can’t we do things the hard way and instead figure things out for ourselves?

We can of course, it’s whether we choose to do so.  I don’t.  I learn things, I read up on things but if someone designs, produces and sells something that will make varying activities I take part in easier, then I’ll go for it.

That’s not to say we should.  Should we?

Someone, or maybe a film, once said that the hardest thing to do is often the right thing to do.  In the majority of cases, that may well be right.

Take a moment and learn something new, without having someone do it for you.

9 billion people

In two hundred years we’ve gone from a world population of 1 billion people to 7 billion people.

We are an incredibly expansive species.  There is some truth in that age old saying from that famous film, that we can indeed be likened to a parasite, a virus.  Ever-spreading and ever-growing.

What will happen to us all?  What will happen to the Earth?  Will it fall through the fabric of space-time, piercing the sheet we so heavily lay upon?

Will the Earth’s crust collapse, in 2050, under the pressure of 9 billion pairs of feet, 18 billion feet.

If we all jumped in 2050, would 18 billion feet crack the outer shell of the Earth, like so much chocolate around a delicate soft centre…?

Let’s all jump.


Michael held Kris as close as he’d ever wish to hold someone before. She tired him but she wasn’t aware of doing that.  Michael moved a lock of hair away from the bridge of her nose, he gently tucked it behind her ear.  Kris coughed.  She shuddered from the cold, repelling as much numbness as possible.  It wasn’t working.  Michael looked up and noticed the faintest of lights.  He knew what was happening.  She breathed heavily.  He tightened his grip around her. They lay there, waiting.